Drugs are very bad for you
Teens everywhere in the world are doing drugs. But did you know it's bad for you? Probably. more than a thousand people die from drugs a year. It makes you act different and it changes you. Also it affects people around you too.
Drugs are being more common in the world so here's some drugs that are bad and you need to watch out for.
Cocaine(benzoylmethylecgogine) causes brain damage. natural. risk of mental health.
Marijiuana(cannabis/recreational drug) can lead to doing harder drugs. can cause you to have memory problems or lung cancer in the longrun. natural.
Ecstacy(party drug) increases blood temperature(gives you a fever).
Herione(recreational drug/dope) OD
Alcahol(Alcaholics) Liver damage. Hangover. Stomach olsers. Mental issues.
Cigarettes(Tobacco) Causes many types of cancer
Acid(Hallucinagenic) Causes hallusanation. Man made. Causes holes in your brain if you do it alot
Shrooms(hallucinagenic) Food poisening. low risk of death
Prescription pills(Medicational from doctor)
Meth(Crack) Causes brain damage. Loss of teeth. Go mental if use of alot.
PCP(a recreational drug known by a number of street names including PCP, angel dust, supergrass, killer weed like named if cannabis is used as route, sherm, embalming fluid, and rocket fuel Pneumocystis pneumonia) a form of pneumonia caused by the yeast-like fungus. basiclly turns you into the Incredible HULK