Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What to do if you have 500 dollars? by: naomy g.

what if you found 500 bucks or someone give it to you, now you have a lot of money but, what to do with them?

We know that if your parents or someone of your family give you a lot of money, that's because they know you are responsible and you are going to take care abot it. Now the word that you hate most is: PAY, if you have 11-16 year-old, and you don't have to pay the bill of gas, phone, house, card credits, food, water and other stuff, you ar going to know what to do with a lot of money.

When we are teens in the age between 12-16 you want to buy whatever you want and you don't want to know the prizes of everything, you just spend money. You don't want to listen to your parents because you think is your money, but remenber who give it to you so, be more responsable and respectful. I know everyone wants fashion clothes or a DS but be more smart, makes you a person who knows how to buy.

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